"Monumentum the second sleep / prima parte, il solo"

Cristina Kristal Rizzo

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Monumentum stands for: memory, document, sign of recognition, something that comes from the past. Something that lingers and that, stopping the continuous progression of the production flow, moves into the depths of memory, in a sort of temporal anachronism.

Crossed by dreamlike visions and non-verbal bodily experiences, such as guided hypnosis practices, this first part of the project has a temporal progression enclosed in the performance of a solo by Megumi Eda, former historic dancer of Karole Armitage and interpreter with sharp and expressive neoclassic elements. A body therefore in a vital impetus in an attempt to open other levels of memory and reconnect with its own stories. There is always a certain delicacy in dealing with the solitude of a body, despite the quantitative solidification it is possible to understand that matter is not stupid, nor blind, nor mechanical, but that it has a rhythm, a language, an internal movement and its own organization: a feeling.

Production: TIR Danza
Co-production: Torinodanza Festival
With the support of Lugano Dance Project.

As part of Fabbrica Europa 2024.
In collaboration with Fondazione Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino.

ph. LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura – Foto Studio Pagi


Conception, choreography, staging, costumes
Cristina Kristal Rizzo

Megumi Eda

Live sound processing
Cristina Kristal Rizzo su musiche di Gesualdo da Venosa e Lamin Fofana

Cinematographic reference
“Dreams” di Akira Kurosawa (1990)

TIR Danza

Torinodanza Festival

Running Time
Approximately: 30 minutes
Chiostrina del Teatro Del Maggio
Chiostrina del Teatro Del Maggio
One Seating Area10,00€