In occasion of the 150 anniversary of Gioachino Rossini’s death, the Teatro del Maggio staged one of his most appreciated work. “Once upon a time there was a king”: is the song of Cinderella, who dreams of escaping her two stupid and annoying stepsisters, a song which becomes reality when she marries the Prince, Don Ramiro. Loosely based on the fable by Charles Perrault, the stepmother is substituted by the hilarious Don Magnifico, Superintendent of Glasses and President of the Grape Harvest, Cinderella does not lose a shoe, but rather it is the cunning Alidoro who organises a party during which the Prince and Cinderella will meet, and a faked accident allows the latter to be recognised. The happy ending is guaranteed, with a touch of malice, by the newly-wed bride who, addressing her stepfather and stepsisters, sings “their pardon will be my revenge”.
La Cenerentola, ossia La bontà in trionfoMelodramma giocoso in due atti
Musica di Gioachino Rossini
Libretto di Jacopo Ferretti dalla fiaba di Charles Perrault
Prima rappresentazione: 25 gennaio 1817 al Teatro Valle, Roma