from Richard Wagner operas

La fiaba di Tristano

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The story of Tristan and Isolde goes way back: of Celtic origin but handed down by the Normans, it quickly became one of the most popular narratives of the Middle Ages. The story of the Wagnerian opera remains intact, and the fascinating and evocative settings of the ancient legend of Tristan and Isolde are peopled by marvelous ladies, intrepid knights and magical presences. Continuously, nature accompanies, surrounds and protects the two ill-fated lovers, but, although on a mythological and fairy-tale horizon, the choices, mistakes and misfortunes of the two young people make the story very close to us. Their impossible love, amplified by the magical filter but hindered by reason of state and obedience to values of loyalty and chivalry, is still extremely fascinating to us, even when, in their yearning for an unattainable love, the protagonists choose a paradise of otherworldly happiness, stripping themselves of all that is mortal. Sublime Wagnerian music and the white voices of the children and boys seal this eternal pact of love.

A show by Venti Lucenti with 100 students of the Progetto All’Opera… in campo!
New staging by Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in coproduction with Venti Lucenti.
In collaboration with the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Academy.

A CR Firenze Foundation project curated by Venti Lucenti.
In collaboration with the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Foundation and the Department of Education, Welfare and Immigration of the Municipality of Florence

The performance on 23 November is a dress rehearsal open to the audience.
November 26th, 27th and 28th performances reserved for schools students only.


Giuseppe La Malfa

Direction, sets and costumes
Manu Lalli

Music elaboration and original tracks
Simone Piraino

Daniele Leone

Andrea Locorotondo

Assistant director
Chiara Casalbuoni

Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Orchestra

Caterina Meldolesi

Francesco Grifoni, Maya Quattrini

Actors and Animators of the Venti Lucenti company
Jacopo Salvetti, Giorgia Tomasi, Stefano Mascalchi, Manfredi Mariti, Leonardo Pesucci, Viola Picchi Marchi, Marta Fornari, Anastasiya Byshlyaha

Actors and Children choir
Students of the Progetto All’Opera… In campo!
Students in PCTO of the IIS Alberti-Dante di Firenze 

Children choir master
Anastasiya Byshlyaha

Running Time
Approximately: 1 hour and 20 minutes
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Settore Unico
Under 165,00€
One Seating Area15,00€