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La rondine comes back to Florence and to the Maggio staged by Denis Krief and directed by Marco Amiliato. The score, completed in 1916, was later reworked by Puccini in two different moments. The Maggio will be staging the 1907 version. “This is one of the few authentic lyrical plays from the last season of melodrama, but it is also intriguing from an artistic point of view, because the composer, in putting a meta-theatrical plot to music, abandons the role of “impassive” narrator, reflecting on the cornerstones of his own poetry through the story of Magda”.
Staging by Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino
Conductor Marco Armiliato
Director, sets, costumes and lights Denis Krief
Magda Ailyn Pérez
Lisette Roberta Mameli
Ruggero Dmytro Popov
Prunier Francesco Castoro
Rambaldo Francesco Verna
Périchaud Nicolò Donini
Gobin Alfonso Zambuto
Crebillon Shuxin Li
Yvette Francesca Longari
Bianca Marta Pluda
Suzy Valentina Corò
Un maggiordomo Giovanni Mazzei
Rabbonier Diego Barretta
Georgette e Voce di sopranino Elena Bazzo
Gabriella Cristina Pagliai
Lolette Chiara Chisu
Tre soprani/Tre ragazze Elena Bazzo, Cristina Pagliai, Chiara Chisu
Quattro Tenori Massimiliano Esposito, Dean David Janssens, Luca Tamani, Fabrizio Falli
Un giovine Fabrizio Falli
Chorus and Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Chorus master Lorenzo Fratini
Running Time
Prima parte:
40 minuti
25 minuti
Seconda parte:
30 minuti
25 minuti
Terza parte:
35 minuti
Durata complessiva:
2 ore e 35 minuti circa