Le streghe di Macbeth

Maestro concertatore e direttore
Giuseppe La Malfa

Regia, scrittura scenica e costumi
Manu Lalli

  • Tickets

Shakespeare and Verdi, two giants of theater. And the opera? Macbeth. One of the most incredible, tragic, adventurous stories ever written and set to music in the world. The story is full of lusts for power, desires, hatreds, loves, extreme passions, witches emerging from the morning mist, ghosts appearing and then disappearing, battles, men winning, women losing, leaders fighting over an armchair, swords, banquets, walking woods and closing eyes. And it will also be full of children, yes, who save the kingdom and become kings.

A show to see, to shiver, to think, with so many mysterious things waiting for the audience to look out into the stalls.

A show by Venti Lucenti with 110 students of the Progetto All’Opera… in campo!
New staging by Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in coproduction with Venti Lucenti.
In collaboration with the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Academy.

A CR Firenze Foundation project curated by Venti Lucenti.
In collaboration with the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Foundation and the Department of Education, Vocational training, Culture of memory and legality, Equal opportunities of the Municipality of Florence

The performance on 12th November is a dress rehearsal open to the audience.
March 13rd, 14th and 18th performances reserved for schools students only.


Giuseppe La Malfa

Chorus master
Lorenzo Fratini

Direction, sets and costumes
Manu Lalli

Music elaboration
Luca Giovanni Logi

Roberta Lazzeri realized at the Laboratorio scenico del Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino

Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Orchestra and Chorus


Min Kim

Lady Macbeth
Rosanna Lo Greco


Francesco Grifoni

Lady Macbeth
Maya Quattrini

Chiara Casalbuoni

Niccolò Franchi

Stefano Mascalchi

Leonardo Pesucci

Children choir

Students of the “All’opera …Le Scuole Al Maggio!” and with the students in PCTO of the Liceo Classico Michelangiolo, of the I.I.S. Alberti-Dante and the I.I.S. Elsa Morante di Firenze

Running Time
Approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes
Great Hall
Great Hall
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Visibilità limitata
Settore Unico
One Seating Area15,00€
Under 165,00€