Opera, Amore is a chamber opera that has as its subject the very story of the melodramma. The traditional 'operatic triangle', she-he-the other, in which the love of the first two characters is contrasted by the third, crosses the great masterpieces of opera, from Monteverdi to Puccini, passing through Pergolesi, Mozart, Paisiello, Cimarosa, Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, Verdi, Mascagni and Giordano.
In our case, the lovers are the Music (the soprano) and the Love (the tenor). Their relationship, which in different forms and modes, between attractions, conflicts and twists, runs through the entire history of opera, is initially opposed by Odio (mezzosoprano en travesti, actually the 'masked Theatre') that will eventually be overcome by the disruptive force of the union of Music and Love, it will unveil and celebrate, together, their relationship and itself. This simple sentimental story is "doubled" by a game of textual and musical quotations throughout the story of Italian opera, four centuries of great masterpieces.
Each musical "number" of the score refers to a different historical moment in the evolution of the Italian melodrama, starting with a prologue, a kind of "vocal overture" and ending with a trio that closes the show with the celebration of the opera, the magic show where everything is fake and nothing is false.
A project by Marco Maria Cerbo and Francesco Micheli realized by the Accademia del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino on commission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in collaboration with the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino.
Free admission by reservation at info@palazzomediciriccardi.it
Federico Gon
Libretto and Dramaturgy
Alberto Mattioli
Francesco Micheli
Sets and costumes
Chiara Taiocchi
La Musica
Maria Rita Combattelli, Sabrina Sanza
Michele Galbiati, Paolo Nevi
Il Teatro (mascherato da Odio)
Giulia Alletto, Janetka Hosco
Carlo Manganaro, Romolo Saccomani
Raffaele Diego Cardone, Francesco Moretti