Support the young artists of the Academy by contributing to the award of scholarships.
Admission to the Young Artists Program requires attendance for the entire duration of the academic year. The young artists, selected from among the best international talents, need financial help for maintenance support whilst in Florence. Therefore, even a small donation is precious!
Choose the artist to whom you want to make your donation and follow him/her in the first steps of his/her career.
The donor’s name will be included in the Academy Supporters list, visible both on the website and in any publications, unless an anonymous donation is requested.
Donations can be effectuated by:
a) Credit card, Paypal, clicking on the button above “Done now”
b) Ordinary Bank transfer through the following data:
Bank: Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Bank transfer in favor of: Accademia del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino
IBAN: IT 13 E 01030 02800 000063451110
Reason for Payment: “Contribution for scholarships’ awarding” – If desired, Name of the young artist you would like to support – Donor’s email and telephone
For information
Accademia del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino – ETS
Piazzale Vittorio Gui, 1 – 50144 Firenze (FI) – Italy
Tel. (+39) 055 2779327
E-mail: [email protected]